Statewide Initiatives

By Amy Beadle, Consortium Director

Hello and happy spring! After a seemingly never-ending January, the last couple of months have sped by so quickly that my head is still spinning.

Fiscal Year Renewals/New Resources

A few important important upcoming deadlines for your attention:

Amy Beadle, Director

Systemwide Purchase Recommendations/Announcement

The LSP Governance Committee made a recommendation to the CCCCO to purchase OCLC Cataloging & Metadata, EZProxy and LibKey for the 110 colleges in the LSP Program. We have recently heard back from the Chancellor’s Office that those recommendations were approved (!!) and are working with them to finalize details.

The Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) represents students from the most diverse student population in the nation, California community colleges. After the unjust murder of George Floyd in May 2020, the SSCCC began to work actively within the higher education system to initiate change because we had seen too much of others talking about the issue without taking meaningful action.

By Elizabeth Horan, Coastline College and Brian Greene, Columbia College

Updated April 26, 2021

By Elizabeth Horan, Coastline College

I took on the role of Open Educational Resources (OER) Coordinator for Fall 2020 through Spring 2022. I am the second person to take on this role at Coastline College. The first coordinator, an English Professor, did a great job of getting faculty to adopt OERs for their courses at Coastline. This foundation was invaluable because when I stepped into the role there were a lot of things changing at Coastline far beyond the disruptions created by the pandemic.

By Gregg Atkins, CCL Executive Director

“Difficult” does not adequately describe the summer challenges handed to CCL this year.  And I’m not even referring to Covid-19 issues or fire-related problems.

Consider these things:

By Jeff Karlsen, Sacramento City College, and Michelle Ohnstad, MiraCosta College, LSP Governance Committee Co-Chairs

By the LSP Discovery/UX Work Group

The LSP Discovery/UX Work Group looked at a number of Primo user experience studies, and pulled out some common themes. Here, we summarize each theme, offer takeaways to consider, and then link to the relevant studies for further exploration.

By Romelia Salinas, Mt. San Antonio College & Peter Hepburn, College of the Canyons. LSP Professional Development Co-Leads

The LSP Professional Development (PD) workgroup is charged with the coordination of Alma/Primo training for the CCC, the creation of best practices, and the facilitation of support systems among CCC libraries.

By Doug Achterman, Gavilan College and Co-chair of the LSP Governance Committee

The LSP Governance Committee met on Friday, February 7th in Sacramento. Here is a summary of the most important items discussed:

By Susan Hines, San Jose City College

Librarians who work with open access publications/databases or open education resources/textbooks may have an interest in obtaining the Creative Commons (CC) Certificate. Creative Commons offers a special course for librarians, and the cost is $500. To register, visit:

By Dan Crump, American River College and CCL Liaison to the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC)

We librarians seem to always have questions about faculty issues such as the 50% Law, the Faculty Obligation Number (FON) and the 75:25 Full-Time/Part-Time Ratio that affect us. I thought it might be nice to recommend a couple of articles from past issues of the ASCCC Rostrum to provide some background and context for librarians.

By June Turner, Palo Verde College

By Elizabeth Horan

Did you drink the “Guided Pathways” Kool-aid yet? Coastline College jumped in with both feet and wanted the “Library” to be involved. That was great, but I was pretty confused what Guided Pathways would mean at my college. Lucky things seem to be working out.

A Chronicle of Higher Education interview with Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley on the proposed online college:

Funding is available to educate Californians about Japanese-American internment and civil liberty issues. Guidelines for $950,000 in grants under the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program were released today by the California State Library. The release follows the annual Day of Remembrance, commemorating President Franklin Roosevelt’s signature on February 19, 1942 of Executive Order 9066, authorizing the removal of civilians and others from “military zones” established in Washington, Oregon, and California during World War II.

By Rachel Arteaga, Butte College

By Meghan Cason, Los Angeles Valley College

The Los Angeles Community College District will host its first LACCD OER Summit at LA City City College on April 27th. Within the District, two colleges have received OER-related grants: Los Angeles Valley and East LA, both administered locally by Library faculty. At LAVC, Meghan Cason is coordinating AB-798 and co-coordinating a Communications ZTC degree grant. Cason plans to apply for AB-798 bonus funding in June. At ELAC, Unjoo Lee is coordinating AB-798.

By Ron Oxford, West Hills College Lemoore

Libraries are at the forefront of the Open Education movement around the Nation. California Community Colleges as well are positioned to further OER and Affordable Learning Solutions across the CCC system. Below are some examples of how: